

B. FUSED HANDLEBAR* Combining the edgy profile of a classic Z bar with the knuckles-up feel of a mini-ape and the narrow width of a drag bar, the Fused Bar delivers a fistful of classic chopper attitude. And with muscular cast corners, the cast elbows eliminate sharp internal bends to simplify the internal wiring. Fits '18-later ABS enabled FLFB, FLFBS, FXBR, FXBRS, FXFB, FXFBS and FXDRS, '14-'20 Road King, and '15-'20 FLRT models. All models require separate purchase of additional components. 55801030 Chrome. 55801029 Gloss Black.



*NOTE: Installation of some handlebars and risers may require a change in clutch and/or throttle cable and brake lines for some models. Handlebar height is regulated in many locations. Check local laws to ensure your motorcyclemeets applicable regulations.

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