

B. SUNDOWNER® HEATED & COOLED SEAT Extend and optimize your riding season thanks to cooling and heating technology built into this premiumseat for Touring andTrikemodels. Clever engineering hasmain- tained the same footprint as the existing Sundowner seats, even with cooling & heating functionality. The seat can be easily removed after unplugging a single connection. This seat offers industry-leading cool- ing performance, and the heating function has been improved to reach its selected temperature twice as fast as previous heated seats.The two-up Sundowner™ Seat is engineered to provide themaximum in long-rid- ing comfort. The deep-bucket design puts most riders in an ideal touring posture, and the generous padding makes it comfortable for both the rider and passenger as the miles are adding up. • Greater comfort reduces fatigue and extends the riding season in any climate. • In testing with a baseline ambient temperature of 85 degrees the seat cover will cool down by 25 degrees in about 30 minutes, from your 98-degree body tem- perature to about 76 degrees. As you ride, the cooling function draws heat away fromyour body, whichmakes you feel cooler. • Dual Zone Control: Rider passenger seating posi- tions must use the same temperature mode (heat or cool) but can adjust the level to individual preference or switch the function off. • Redesigned heating element reaches selected tem- perature in only seven minutes. • Seam-sealed construction prevents rain or wash water from infiltrating the seat foam. No riding for hours on a squishy seat. • Compatible with Rider Backrest Mounting Kit (P/N 52589-09A) 52000463 Fits ‘14-later Touring and Tri Glide ® models. '14-'16 models require separate purchase of Electrical Harness extension P/N 69200722. '17-later models require separate purchase of Electrical Harness P/N 69201599A. Installation on 14'-later Tri Glide ® models require separate purchase of bracket kit 52100063. C. HEATED & COOLED SEAT TRIKE SUPPORT BRACKET Support bracket required for installingHarleyHammock HeatedRider andPassengerTouring Seat or Sundowner Heated & Cooled Seat on Trike models. 52100063 Fits ‘14-later Tri Glide™ models. Required for installation of Harley Hammock Heated Rider and Passenger Touring Seat P/N 52000462 or Sundowner Heated & Cooled Seat P/N 52000463.





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